Rotary International Theme 2002 - 2003
As Winnie the Pooh once said: "It was a wet blustery day on Sunday February 18th when we held our fellowship breakfast!"
However this didn't deter our Rotarians with friends and family who attended (39 in all) and squeezed onto our veranda that had been decorated with many 'red hearts' for a wonderful morning of 'fellowship and fun'.
PP Laurie, Pres Chris, RTN Alan Cooper were the 'chefs a la cusine' - RTN Alan Downing the 'toastmaster', RTN JC Dlamini the 'provider of all good things' from his farm and PP Rossie and Les the creators of the 'porridge from the potjie'!
This was washed down with several litres of "Bucks fizz", tea and coffee and roses for the ladies... along with several inches of rain!
Thank you to my steadfast committee and to all those who supported us.
RTN Maureen Bond
Chairman Fellowship Committee
The cooks - PP Laurie Bond, pres Chris Pool and RTN Alan Cooper hard at work
cooking egg, bacon and sausages whilst Rotarians line up for their breakfast.Socialising and waiting for breakfast whilst the rain keeps falling. Anns Glenda Dube and Mrs Dlamini full of smiles after a great breakfast
and wonderful fellowship.Rotarians JC Dlamini and Kingsley Dube enjoying fellowship and fun! RTN Joe Stipinovich with his wife and daughter enjoying their coffee. Shelter from the rain whilst eating - PP Malcolm Ross with Les, RTN Maureen Bond
and Rotarians Don and Judy Rathley from the States.RTN Alan Cooper and Pres Chris Pool with friend relaxing after all the cooking! Return to the Bulawayo Rotary Club Home Page ® Copyright, 2001. All Rights Reserved.
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